# Welcome to Don't Overthink This
We explore and connect ideas about work, philosophy, and analytics without overthinking it. [[Don't Overthink This|More About Us]]
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>Want to improve your analytical thinking skills? [Thinking Analytically: Five-Minute Reflections on Data, Analysis, and Organization](https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Analytically-Five-Minute-Reflections-Organization/dp/B0C9SF26CK/ref=asc_df_B0C9SF26CK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=663385636736&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7901942609251486504&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005959&hvtargid=pla-2188523740513&psc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvfmoBhAwEiwAG2tqzHZlSFp6nDoUoop61c9VHNgufiTxPBvFXojccgxhwdmw6ysbCFxa5xoCUgoQAvD_BwEL)
> [!tip] Checkout our podcast
> Episode 46: [[Masturbating with Information]]
> Episode 45: [[The Impending Revolution]]
> Episode 44: [[The Working Class and the Disconnected Intelligentsia]]
> Episode 43: [[Trump and the Fascist Love Triangle]]
> Episode 42: [[A Gen Z Awareness Moment]]
> Episode 41: [[LSD and Real Analysts]]
> Episode 40: [[The Social Experiment of the Olympics]]
> Episode 39: [[Truth, Facts, and Rhetoric]]
### Recent Posts
### [[The Absurdity of Being Still People]]
*Brian Heath - March 3, 2025*
>At the Oscars, Conan O'Brien delivered a joke that perfectly captured the absurdity of our modern workplace: "I'm proud to announce that we didn't use AI tonight. Yeah, that's right. Instead, we used child labor... Hey, they are still people." The audience laughed because existential...
### [[Ideology, Power, and Resistance]]
*Ross Jackson - March 3, 2025*
>In simple terms, ideology can be understood as the beliefs we accept without conscious thought. Ideology encompasses our socially accepted values, goals, and beliefs. A part of ideology is one’s conception of power. In America, power is primarily focused on the ability...
### [[Unmasking of Pointless Work in the AI Age]]
*Brian Heath - March 2, 2025*
>As AI rapidly advances, we are uncovering a surprising truth: much of what we once deemed "complex" work was actually unnecessary. The existential crisis of our time isn't simply about AI taking jobs—it's about AI exposing how much organizational busywork is pointless...
### [[The Power of Examples]]
*Ross Jackson - March 1, 2025*
>People frequently search for examples. Crafts are often based on blueprints or patterns. Work usually relies on templates. Existence often draws from role models. There is comfort in finding an appropriate example and conforming to it. Examples hold a lot of power...
### [[Do Something]]
*Ross Jackson - February 27, 2025*
>There is much that lies outside one’s control. Things happen. When it seems that events are largely beyond one’s control and most occurrences are perceived as negative, it is understandable that one would feel a sense of helplessness. When this happens...
### [[Life Constantly Disappoints and Ends in Catastrophe]]
*Brian Heath - February 24, 2025*
>Norm Macdonald's joke about suicide uses dark humor to critique the often naive reactions people have when confronted with such tragedies. By sarcastically questioning why people express confusion over someone taking their own life...
### [[Resisting Plutocracy]]
*Ross Jackson - February 24, 2025*
>As part of DOGE, Elon Musk has now asked government civilians to provide him with a justification for their employment. The problem with such a practice is that any justification provided can be found wanting. One could accomplish one monumental task...
### [[Symbolic Communication]]
*Ross Jackson - February 23, 2025*
>George Orwell famously surmised in his 1945 work Animal Farm that, “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Likewise, all communication is symbolic, but some communication is more symbolic than others...
### [[Content and Style]]
*Ross Jackson - February 22, 2025*
>Writing is often assessed in terms of content and style. This directs attention to the topic explored and the quality with which it was explained. There is value in using these elements to evaluate both one’s thinking and writing. What should one focus on...
### [[Persistent Manipulation]]
*Ross Jackson - February 21, 2025*
>Ideology seeks to perpetuate the status quo. Most of what is presented is designed to preclude meaningful change. The rich remain rich. The poor remain poor. Those in power stay in power. This understanding is fairly straightforward. What is less understood is the extent...
### [[Its Been A Long Time Gone Since Long Time Gone]]
*Ross Jackson - February 20, 2025*
>David Crosby’s song "Long Time Gone" was released in 1969, which was fifty-five years ago. It’s safe to say that a long time has passed since then. In the song, Crosby wrote, “Speak out; speak out against the madness; speak your mind, yeah; that is...
### [[Continuous and Exclusive]]
*Ross Jackson - February 19, 2025*
>It is no secret that technology changes. As it does, our use of technology evolves, which in turn changes us. This dynamic is perhaps best illustrated by the example of telephones. When telephones became widespread, many homes had what was called a party line...
### [[Thinking as an Afterthought]]
*Ross Jackson - February 18, 2025*
>It seems that people are engaging in less thinking. In fact, one might argue that there is very little critical thought within our society. This is concerning. Reflection is one of the most powerful tools in the human arsenal. Thinking is humanity’s superpower...
### Some Older Posts
* [[Understanding Which Position is Derivative]] by *Ross Jackson - February 17, 2025*
* [[Single Issue People]] by *Ross Jackson - February 16, 2025*
* [[How Less is More]] by *Ross Jackson - February 15, 2025*
* [[Building Requires Destruction]] by *Ross Jackson - February 12, 2025*
* [[The Paradox of Struggling Superstars]] by *Brian Heath - February 11, 2025*
* [[Floundering at the Top Means Chaos at the Bottom]] by *Ross Jackson - February 11, 2025*
* [[Propaganda in the Age of Choice]] by *Brian Heath - February 10, 2025*
* [[The Art of Solo Travel]] by *Ross Jackson - February 8, 2025*
* [[Where's My Donut]] by *Brian Heath - February 8, 2025*
* [[It's Not That I'm Against It, But...]] by *Ross Jackson - February 7, 2025*