# Welcome to Don't Overthink This We explore and connect ideas about work, philosophy, and analytics without overthinking it. [[Don't Overthink This|More About Us]] >[!summary] Check out our book >Want to improve your analytical thinking skills? [Thinking Analytically: Five-Minute Reflections on Data, Analysis, and Organization](https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Analytically-Five-Minute-Reflections-Organization/dp/B0C9SF26CK/ref=asc_df_B0C9SF26CK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=663385636736&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7901942609251486504&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005959&hvtargid=pla-2188523740513&psc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvfmoBhAwEiwAG2tqzHZlSFp6nDoUoop61c9VHNgufiTxPBvFXojccgxhwdmw6ysbCFxa5xoCUgoQAvD_BwEL) --- > [!tip] Checkout our podcast > Episode 41: [[LSD and Real Analysts]] > Episode 40: [[The Social Experiment of the Olympics]] > Episode 39: [[Truth, Facts, and Rhetoric]] > Episode 38: [[The Politics of the Working Class]] > Episode 37: [[A Magic Carpet Ride]] > Episode 36: [[The Impoverished Creativity of AI]] > Episode 35: [[Sabbatical, Conferences, and Existential Inertia]] --- ### Recent Posts ### [[The Looming Failure of Multinational Organizations]] *Brian Heath - October 3, 2024* >There are very few people who can lead a multinational organization. The challenge lies primarily in understanding diverse geopolitical issues and cultures while separating oneself from the culture and geopolitics surrounding the location of headquarters... [[The Looming Failure of Multinational Organizations|Read More]] ### [[The Big Day]] *Ross Jackson - October 3, 2024* >Successful events require a great deal of planning and orchestration. Few things intentionally monumental occur without work. To prepare is to care. Apathetic people do not prepare events. They can’t be bothered. Preparation is a personal investment... [[The Big Day|Read More]] ### [[Talking to the Right People]] *Ross Jackson - October 2, 2024* >Within any organization, one doesn’t need to convince everybody to get something accomplished. One needs only persuade the few people who make decisions. Seldom is an organization run democratically. Spending time attempting to convince everybody of the soundness... [[Talking to the Right People|Read More]] ### [[Missing the Point]] *Brian Heath - October 1, 2024* >I regularly bring up contradictions and process issues with organizational leaders. Nearly all agree with these issues to some degree. Rarely does someone disagree. However, as the conversation continues, I've learned that these leaders recognize the problem... [[Missing the Point|Read More]] ### [[An Overabundance]] *Ross Jackson - October 1, 2024* >There is too much war, famine, greed, and destruction. Humans have the capacity for love and caring, but this capacity is too often left latent. The world has no need for more billionaires. It needs more... [[An Overabundance|Read More]] ### [[The Organization as a Social Institution]] *Ross Jackson - September 30, 2024* >Legally, corporations are people. This is absurd. Corporations are not people. People are people. Corporations are entities created by people. Within corporations are organizations, which are also created by people. Organizations can be understood as social institutions... [[The Organization as a Social Institution|Read More]] ### [[Step-by-Step Instructions]] *Brian Heath - September 30, 2024* >One thing not found on this blog or within our book is step-by-step instructions for analysis. This isn't an intentional choice to maintain power or generate sales. If anything, not including step-by-step instructions does little to help us gain power or generate sales... [[Step-by-Step Instructions|Read More]] ### [[Tedious and Rewarding]] *Ross Jackson - September 29, 2024* >There are aspects of work that are tedious and rewarding. It is challenging to work through the tedium to reach fulfillment. Those who are strategic thinkers have an easier time. Others give up and move to something... [[Tedious and Rewarding|Read More]] ### [[The Rejection of Information]] *Brian Heath - September 28, 2024* >The amount of information out there is overwhelming and a complete mess. For those who like things tidy and organized, the world of information represents everything wrong today. The internet, smartphones, and cheap storage reduced the cost of information to virtually zero... [[The Rejection of Information|Read More]] ### [[The 21st Century Office Paradox]] *Ross Jackson - September 28, 2024* >Each generation faces its unique forms of challenges. Technology enables change. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the rate of change associated with virtual work. For owners and executives, the adoption of virtual work went too far too fast. There is now a retreat to more... [[The 21st Century Office Paradox|Read More]] ### [[The Implications of Hearing Someone]] *Brian Heath - September 27, 2024* >Most people want to be heard. So, if one cares about a person, their power and influence, or their opinion, one should likely listen to them. However, this is often not enough. Simply listening to someone only gets one so far. For most people, to be heard means that something... [[The Implications of Hearing Someone|Read More]] ### [[A Plan is Better than Nothing]] *Ross Jackson - September 27, 2024* >When it comes to planning, there is no shortage of pithy insights. “Planning is everything; plans are nothing,” and “a plan never survives first contact with the enemy” are two that come to mind. In some respects, to plan is to err. Seldom are plans “right.” Reality is too complex... [[A Plan is Better than Nothing|Read More]] ### [[Working Forward Looking Backwards]] *Ross Jackson - September 26, 2024* >All research and data are about the past. When one reads a book, one is reading something that has already been written. When one collects data, one is analyzing historical information. All information is from the past. Sometimes, one collects this information... [[Working Forward Looking Backwards|Read More]] ### [[Submitting Work Promptly Late]] *Ross Jackson - September 25, 2024* >Submitting work promptly and submitting work late are incompatible. However, when one has worked a bit, it becomes clear that it is possible to be behind schedule, but ahead of expectations, it is possible to submit work promptly late... [[Submitting Work Promptly Late|Read More]] ### [[Focus is Distraction]] *Ross Jackson - September 24, 2024* >In elementary school, it is not uncommon for kids to be admonished to stay focused. There is a great deal of fundamental information to learn, and being distracted makes learning those things more challenging. Distractions are often viewed as impediments to focusing... [[Focus is Distraction|Read More]] --- ### Some Older Posts * [[The Start-Up Organization within an Organization]] by *Brian Heath - September 24, 2024* * [[Determining How Much One Wants to Learn]] by *Ross Jackson - September 23, 2024* * [[Learning the Wrong Lesson]] by *Brian Heath - September 21, 2024* * [[Where Are You At Work]] by *Brian Heath - September 21, 2024* * [[The Hard Work of Authenticity and Thinking]] by *Brian Heath - September 20, 2024* * [[The Point of Overcoming Overcoming]] by *Ross Jackson - September 20, 2024* * [[Game Shows in Soviet Russia]] by *Brian Heath - September 19, 2024* * [[Fixing Other People's Problems]] by *Ross Jackson - September 18, 2024* * [[The Myth of Work Networks]] by *Brian Heath - September 17, 2024* * [[The Rejection of Today's Objective Truth]] by *Brian Heath - September 16, 2024*