# Welcome to Don't Overthink This
We explore and connect ideas about work, philosophy, and analytics without overthinking it. [[Don't Overthink This|More About Us]]
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>Want to improve your analytical thinking skills? [Thinking Analytically: Five-Minute Reflections on Data, Analysis, and Organization](https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Analytically-Five-Minute-Reflections-Organization/dp/B0C9SF26CK/ref=asc_df_B0C9SF26CK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=663385636736&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7901942609251486504&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005959&hvtargid=pla-2188523740513&psc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvfmoBhAwEiwAG2tqzHZlSFp6nDoUoop61c9VHNgufiTxPBvFXojccgxhwdmw6ysbCFxa5xoCUgoQAvD_BwEL)
> [!tip] Checkout our podcast
> Episode 46: [[Masturbating with Information]]
> Episode 45: [[The Impending Revolution]]
> Episode 44: [[The Working Class and the Disconnected Intelligentsia]]
> Episode 43: [[Trump and the Fascist Love Triangle]]
> Episode 42: [[A Gen Z Awareness Moment]]
> Episode 41: [[LSD and Real Analysts]]
> Episode 40: [[The Social Experiment of the Olympics]]
> Episode 39: [[Truth, Facts, and Rhetoric]]
### Recent Posts
### [[Analytics Twilight]]
*Ross Jackson - January 18, 2025*
>Esoteric knowledge is specialized and understood only by a small number of people. Until recently, analytics has been esoteric. Outsiders potentially saw value in analysis, but most could not conduct analysis. With the advent and widespread dispersion of AI-generative... [[Analytics Twilight|Read More]]
### [[The Future of Interfaces and Dignity]]
*Brian Heath - January 18, 2025*
>A seismic shift in how we interface with software applications is coming. Soon, clicking on things will seem as antiquated as the spinning dial on rotary phones. Keyboards and mice will eventually fade from existence. So, too, will the idea of touchscreens... [[The Future of Interfaces and Dignity|Read More]]
### [[Strategic Delay]]
*Ross Jackson - January 17, 2025*
>In a world dominated by instantaneous responses, it is often beneficial to the person who waits. Strategic delay is a potentially beneficial approach to many, if not most, stimuli. This is not meant to encourage apathy. Commitment is important. Knowing what one is for... [[Strategic Delay|Read More]]
### [[Reading Omissions]]
*Ross Jackson - January 16, 2025*
>Business messages are an interesting form of communication. Because time is money, business communications are notoriously brief and to the point. They tend to have a style that is simple and direct. Business communications tend to state something and nothing else... [[Reading Omissions|Read More]]
### [[AI Product Adoption and Solidarity]]
*Brian Heath - January 16, 2025*
>Typically, new products follow a product adoption curve, often explained as the Law of Diffusion of Innovation. According to this law, some innovators or early adopters will hear about a product and quickly adopt it as a form of status. Once others see someone else using it... [[AI Product Adoption and Solidarity|Read More]]
### [[Capturing the Essence]]
*Ross Jackson - January 15, 2025*
>Essence is an entity’s indispensable quality. It is what makes something not only singular but also uniquely engaging. Essence is what people experience as authentic. Copying the essence of another invariably comes across as phony... [[Capturing the Essence|Read More]]
### [[Dubious Inspirational Quotes]]
*Brian Heath - January 15, 2025*
>When managers and executives start providing inspirational quotes about vague ideas of overcoming challenges, not giving up, and working as a team, one should exercise heightened awareness and reflection. What is the motivation and subtext behind... [[Dubious Inspirational Quotes|Read More]]
### [[Advice and Faith]]
*Brian Heath - January 13, 2025*
>Nobody has it all figured out. It's just opinions. Some have better-informed opinions than others. Some even have evidence to justify their opinion. But, make no mistake, nobody has all the answers, even within their domain of expertise... [[Advice and Faith|Read More]]
### [[Coding is Dying]]
*Brian Heath - January 11, 2025*
>Within months, the idea of writing code will be a thing of the past for almost everyone. AI models will and likely already be better than 99% of all humans at writing code. There will always be some need for people to write code, but this will be reserved for the brilliantly... [[Coding is Dying|Read More]]
### [[Doing the Same and Something Different]]
*Ross Jackson - January 8, 2025*
>Starting one’s career is challenging. There is a great deal of stress and excitement. To be accepted and advance within the organization, one must do what everybody else is doing and do something different. In other words, one must simultaneously conform... [[Doing the Same and Something Different|Read More]]
### [[Between the Intolerable and the Barely Adequate]]
*Ross Jackson - January 7, 2025*
>For many, work exists between the intolerable and the barely adequate. When intolerable, one attempts to find a way to improve the situation. When barely adequate, one typically endures it. This dynamic is a central strength of the status quo... [[Between the Intolerable and the Barely Adequate|Read More]]
### [[Everything But]]
*Ross Jackson - January 6, 2025*
>When discussing organizational change, there is a frequent desire to keep everything the same but one aspect. There is nothing wrong with focusing on a particular element of change. The thing causing the most difficulty or underperforming the most likely needs to be the primary focus... [[Everything But|Read More]]
### [[Navigating Innovation - Embrace, Ignore, or Wait]]
*Brian Heath - January 5, 2025*
>Organizations must decide what to do when new technologies like AI and calculators come onto the scene. Do they ignore them, embrace them entirely, or wait and see? How the organization answers these questions tells you much about what it believes... [[Navigating Innovation - Embrace, Ignore, or Wait|Read More]]
### Some Older Posts
* [[It's Only...]] by *Ross Jackson - January 5, 2025*
* [[Time's Role in Our Existence]] by *Brian Heath - January 4, 2025*
* [[Facts, Interpretations, Decisions, and Actions]] by *Ross Jackson - January 3, 2025
* [[Prioritizing Enjoyment and Solidarity when Crafting Teams]] by *Brian Heath - January 2, 2025
* [[Strikeouts are Fascist]] by *Ross Jackson - January 2, 2025*
* [[Making New Patterns]] by *Brian Heath - December 31, 2024*
* [[Components of Workforce Campaigns]] by *Ross Jackson - December 31, 2024*
* [[The Organizational Paradox We Refuse to See]] by *Brian Heath - December 31, 2024*
* [[Vulnerability Assessment]] by *Ross Jackson - December 29, 2024*
* [[Winning Political Alliances]] by *Brian Heath - December 29, 2024*
* [[Scarcity and Value]] by *Ross Jackson - December 28, 2024*