# Welcome to Don't Overthink This
We explore and connect ideas about work, philosophy, and analytics without overthinking it. [[Don't Overthink This|More About Us]]
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>Want to improve your analytical thinking skills? [Thinking Analytically: Five-Minute Reflections on Data, Analysis, and Organization](https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Analytically-Five-Minute-Reflections-Organization/dp/B0C9SF26CK/ref=asc_df_B0C9SF26CK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=663385636736&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7901942609251486504&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005959&hvtargid=pla-2188523740513&psc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvfmoBhAwEiwAG2tqzHZlSFp6nDoUoop61c9VHNgufiTxPBvFXojccgxhwdmw6ysbCFxa5xoCUgoQAvD_BwEL)
> [!tip] Checkout our podcast
> Episode 43: [[Trump and the Fascist Love Triangle]]
> Episode 42: [[A Gen Z Awareness Moment]]
> Episode 41: [[LSD and Real Analysts]]
> Episode 40: [[The Social Experiment of the Olympics]]
> Episode 39: [[Truth, Facts, and Rhetoric]]
> Episode 38: [[The Politics of the Working Class]]
> Episode 37: [[A Magic Carpet Ride]]
### Recent Posts
### [[Watching the Sequel of a Bad Movie]]
*Ross Jackson - November 6, 2024*
>If you thought the original film was bad... [[Watching the Sequel of a Bad Movie|Read More]]
### [[On the Potential Eve of Destruction]]
*Ross Jackson - November 5, 2024*
>Some moments could be historical cleavage points. Not all these points turn out to be so. Those points that are not so pivotal get relegated to obscurity. A few will know of them, but most will be unaware that things could have been radically different... [[On the Potential Eve of Destruction|Read More]]
### [[Work Abilities and Skills]]
*Brian Heath - November 4, 2024*
>If one is looking for an edge, consider becoming an expert in the abilities and skills of work activities. To be clear, one should not become an expert in performing the work or the abilities and skills themselves. Instead, understand what they are, how they are defined... [[Work Abilities and Skills|Read More]]
### [[What Type of Meeting is This]]
*Ross Jackson - November 3, 2024*
>There are different types of meetings. Some meetings are informational. During these meetings, people are made aware of something new. The focus of these meetings is on what is known. Another type of meeting is focused on discussion... [[What Type of Meeting is This|Read More]]
### [[The Nature of Nothing or Something]]
*Brian Heath - November 3, 2024*
>For some, doing nothing is the hardest thing to do. Others do nothing all the time without any effort. The difference rarely has anything to do with a conscious choice. Those who can't do nothing are likely highly industrious (e.g., the personality trait... [[The Nature of Nothing or Something|Read More]]
### [[Where to Park]]
*Ross Jackson - November 2, 2024*
>There are observable cultural differences. These can manifest in the most mundane things. Parking is one example. In Japan, one parks in the furthest slots from the office if one arrives early to work. The rationale behind selecting the furthest spot is that the person... [[Where to Park|Read More]]
### [[Misguided Tribal Arguments]]
*Brian Heath - November 2, 2024*
>If one genuinely understands an issue, one can easily argue all sides. Only knowing one side and arguing endlessly for it is the epitome of narcissism and stupidity. One should know the other sides so well that they could blend into the crowd of believers... [[Misguided Tribal Arguments|Read More]]
### [[Time to Dress Up]]
*Brian Heath - October 31, 2024*
>Today is Halloween, and many people like to dress up in a costume to celebrate the holiday. It's interesting to think about why people want to dress up. Children dress up as a rehearsal for future jobs or to play. For adults, it's only for entertainment or some escape from reality... [[Time to Dress Up|Read More]]
### [[Democracy is Complicated]]
*Brian Heath - October 29, 2024*
>Democracy isn't as straightforward as most assume. In a pure democracy, the person with the most votes gets elected to the position. This is thought to represent the voice of the people, but it only represents the voice of the largest voting block... [[Democracy is Complicated|Read More]]
### [[What Jeff Bezos Got Wrong about Presidential Endorsements]]
*Ross Jackson - October 29, 2024*
>Over 200K recent Washington Post subscribers canceled their subscriptions en masse due to Jeff Bezos’ decision to block the paper’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States. According to Taiyler S. Mitchell of HuffPost, Bezos rationale was... [[What Jeff Bezos Got Wrong about Presidential Endorsements|Read More]]
### [[Betting On Nothing]]
*Brian Heath - October 28, 2024*
>Organizations and leaders like to pretend a lot. They pretend to execute a plan, develop a strategy, care for the customers, and support their employees. Any serious analysis often highlights the massive gap between the stated action and achieving it... [[Betting On Nothing|Read More]]
### [[No One Knows What They Are Doing]]
*Brian Heath - October 26, 2024*
>Most executives have no clue what they are doing; they only speak with authority and use words of certainty. They cannot be questioned about anything in particular, or one is alienated or quickly disregarded as "not knowing all the facts... [[No One Knows What They Are Doing|Read More]]
### [[Executive Selection Process]]
*Ross Jackson - October 26, 2024*
>How does one become an executive? It can be a varied process. Some executives are self-appointed. When one creates a company, it is not uncommon for that person to become the company's executive. Some executives become so through heredity... [[Executive Selection Process|Read More]]
### [[All That is Unneeded]]
*Ross Jackson - October 21, 2024*
>Superfluity adds clutter. At work and in life, one benefits from examining what is needed. This can include what one likes. If something brings joy, it is needed. If something helps in any way, it is needed... [[All That is Unneeded|Read More]]
### [[This Place Isn't All That Great]]
*Ross Jackson - October 20, 2024*
>There is a strange disconnect between people wanting to think, or thinking, that the place they inhabit is the “best” while simultaneously being observably unhappy and discontent about being there. The place can be one’s home, office, town, country, or planet... [[This Place Isn't All That Great|Read More]]
### Some Older Posts
* [[To Care or Not to Care]] by *Ross Jackson - October 19, 2024*
* [[External and Internal Analysis]] by *Ross Jackson - October 15, 2024*
* [[The Application]] by *Ross Jackson - October 14, 2024*
* [[Illogically Doing Too Much Logically]] by *Brian Heath - October 14, 2024*
* [[The Statement Not Given]] by *Ross Jackson - October 13, 2024*
* [[A Lack of Options]] by *Ross Jackson - October 12, 2024*
* [[A Multitude of Perspectives]] by *Brian Heath - October 12, 2024*
* [[Inspiration and Authority]] by *Ross Jackson - October 11, 2024*
* [[The Talent Myth]] by *Brian Heath - October 11, 2024*